People-centred development workshop for Horizon 2020 project

  • PEOPLE project, TripleA-reno, training, workshop, interviews, ethnography, people-centred development approaches, buildings, energy

Understanding and involving people in the development processes is essential for producing meaningful solutions in different areas of living. People-centred development and ethnographic inquiry are becoming increasingly important for studying behaviour and everyday practices of people. The PEOPLE project has already transferred such good practices to two different Horizon 2020 projects – MOBISTYLE and TripleA-Reno – both studying human behaviour in relation to energy efficiency and human wellbeing.

On 15 November 2018, PEOPLE project coordinator, Institute for Innovation and Development of University of Ljubljana (IRI UL) hosted the second consortium meeting of the Triple-A Reno (H2020) project in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The key aim of the project is to promote widespread energy renovation of existing European hosing stock and empower individuals and communities in favour of such developments. Our team of experts, Dan Podjed, Gregor Cerinsek and Domen Bančič, delivered a special half-day “PEOPLE training” to a group of European architects and engineers. The key purpose was to train the workshop participants in people-centred development approaches, in order to be better attuned to and equipped for studying the behaviour of building occupants and other relevant stakeholders in relation to deep renovation. An interesting comment received from one of the participants was that “it was high time that experts in renovation finally start thinking and talking with people about issues that concern their daily routines.” We couldn’t agree more!

PEOPLE project, training, workshop, people-centred development, TripleA-reno, project, Horizon 2020, energy, buildings
Dan Podjed (ZRC SAZU) delivering training on people-centred development approaches to team members of the TripleA-reno Horizon 2020 project
workshop, training, people-centred development, interviewing, ethnography, TripleA-reno, Horizon 2020
Workshop on people-centred development approaches at the Innovation and Development Institute of University of Ljubljana for TripleA-reno (Horizin 2020) project team