From PEOPLE-centred to PLANET-centred development

  • Active-8-Planet, logo

The world needs new, people- and planet-centred approaches to enable safe, ethical and effective design, integration, management and regulation of new products, services and solutions. Our society calls for education and training that will profoundly disrupt the educational status quo. PEOPLE Community is working on a new intensive, research-driven, collaborative and participatory experiment that aims to reshape the applied sciences through the educational lens.

Similarly to PEOPLE, the interdisciplinary teams of students, university professors, industry and NGO representatives will be jointly working on common environmental and societal challenges and co-creating solutions through involvement of people. However, a shift is made from the people-centred development towards planet-centred development, taking into account broader environmental and societal contexts, ethical considerations and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Key aim of the “Active8-Planet” initiative is the creation of new applied sciences on the crossings of existing fields and disciplines. We aim to establish new branches of social sciences and engineering – moving from a world of solving problems to a world of being able to frame critical questions.

Stay tuned for more!